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Article number: kb-12
Q. What are the steps used to securely communicate on the web?
A. The steps used when a browser communicates securely with a web server are as follows:
1. Your customer contacts a secured part of your site.
2. Your server sending the customer your site's digital certificate.
3. Your customer's browser accepts or rejects the certificate. If the certificate is rejected, a secure communication channel is not established. We will assume in this example the browser accepted the certificate and Customer Bob was able to continue on with a secure connection. A successful connection generally shows an https:// instead of an http:// in your URL address.
4. Your customer's browser generates a unique "session key" to encrypt all communications with the site they are visiting.
5. Your customer's browser encrypts the session key itself with your server's public key so only the site can read the session key.
6. A secure session is established. Depending on the browser, the customer may see a lock icon becoming whole or a padlock closing, indicating that the session is secure.